Date /Time
Thursday April 18, 2024 11:41 pm ET
The Game
  1. Tournament: All tournaments will include 4 or 8 teams. There will be no extra regular tournament sheets started unless a full regular tournament is filled up. There can be a regular and alt tournament sheet open at the same time. There will be no tournament unless there is a minimum of 4 or 8 teams.
  2. Hand Limit: If there are less than 100 players at the tournament all games will be 8 hands no DN. If there are 100 or more players at the tournament all games will be 10 hands no DN. Hand limit and rules will change if an alt game is played. The format, hand limit and rules will be documented on the Tournament sheet.
  3. Play: Bid goes to player left of the dealer and 1st play goes to first bidder. There will be no passing of cards after the deal. 10 bags will reduce your score by 100 points. In case of a tie, low bags win. There will be a one-hand play off in a tie game. Points will be tallied as follows for each tourney: Win � 6 points, Runner-Up � 3 points, Semi � 1 point
  4. TOC: You must win a tournament to qualify for TOC. Total points will be added together for each player on the team and byes will be given if needed to the top seated teams based on total points. Byes, if any are necessary, will be given in the 1st round only. Because of the way teams are seeded we apologize in advance if any team is opping team members.
    Teams will be placed in brackets for TOC by a random drawing.

September 2023 Tournament

Winners: RitZic and HorsenAround

Runner-ups : YellowRoses and Sunny

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